Friday, January 20, 2012

Drop Dead Diva and Portfolio

I can only find a Drop Dead Diva in a torrent, so here is the link:

Also, your portfolio task will be this:

Write a short story for a writing competition that begins or ends with the words,
‘I couldn’t believe my luck. I never thought this would happen to me.’

Let me know if you have any problems with Drop Dead Diva, I also have it on my computer so I can give it to you on a pendrive if you want.  :) See you soon!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Writing Assignment for the Portfolio Practice

Word length must be between 170-200.  For the practice, it is not as important, but in the actual portfolio, if you exceed the number of words, they will mark you down.

Please include an outline in your writing for Monday.

"Your area has been suffering from the effects of pollution. Write a report for
an environmental committee explaining how the local landscape and lives of
residents have been negatively affected by pollution. Make some suggestions
to improve the situation."

See you soon!

Talking about Trinity!

Firstly, just to have this up for the record:
For Wednesday: Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 of The Grapes of Wrath, and your EXAMS please!
For Monday: Chapters 5 and 6 of TGoW, and your Essays.
For Wednesday: Finish book.

Remember that for your essay I expect to see an outline!
And also, to pick up your next book!  Ripley's Game!  It's in Delias thanks to Rosa.

OK, so we talked about doing the Trinity exam instead of Cambridge in class.  I am going to talk to you all today about Trinity in class, what it entails, what we need to have done, and how we can do it.  We also will no longer be doing an essay pertaining to the reading, but rather, a practice essay for Trinity.

I have been doing some research, so, I will see all of you tonight to talk about it!  Hope you're well.
